Monday, March 30, 2009

My friend Missy !

Now THAT'S a woman! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Steve Pulcinella
Monday, 30 March 2009 08:06

My wife Jalaine has just gone out to Colorado to visit her friend and olympic lifting teammate Missy Saucedo. They were throwing a baby shower for Missy, she is only three weeks out from her due date. While they were there Missy suggest they go into her garage and get in a workout before the party. Jalaine took these pictures of the Missy’s training session.

THIS is how you get into shape for birthin' babies!

1 comment:

Weight Lifting Complete said...

That's pretty amazing - lifting with such great form while pregnant. I wish I could lift like that and I'm not even pregnant. I hope I never get pregnant since I'm a man. Keep up the great work!
