My dad always told me "Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win" this is definitely the case with the Bulgarian weightlifting team. Its nice to finally see people are finally getting caught for cheating.
I am a huge believer in anti-doping and support drug testing 100%. I estimate that I have been tested nearly 100 times since starting weightlifting at the age of 13. Many of you do not know but our nations top athletes are subject to drug testing. In order to compete at national and international level you must be enrolled with the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA). They can come any time, day or night to collect a urine sample. Athletes fill out forms quarterly on there where abouts so they can be contacted for a test. If you miss 3 tests in 1 year you automatically receive a 1-2 year suspension. For more information on USADA and the testing procedures that US athletes must go through check out their web site at:
1 comment:
Hi Carissa,
I don't know if you'll see this comment, as it is tied to an older post but here goes.
First, thank you for the blog, and congratulaions on the fantastic achievement of reaching the Olympics. You seem to represent the "ideal" and the spirit of what the Olympics should be.
Regarding testing, what we hear is that urine testing doesn't pick up all the performance enhancing substances that the cheaters are using, like Human Growth Hormone. Do you have to take blood tests too? In your opinion, does the current testing really work?
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