Photo by Jeff Franko
Well this is the post everyone has been waiting for !
I made 2 of 3 of my snatches, and 1 of 3 of my clean and jerks. I am disappointed that I did not make my last attempt clean and jerk because it would have been a new American Record. I am grateful though that I was given the opportunity to even try a new American Record at the Olympic Games. I ended up 14th in the Snatch, 12th in the Clean and Jerk, and 14th overall. My US team mate Natalie Woolfolk in my class ended up 12th overall.
I cried twice even before the meet had started because I was so excited ! I was physically there in the moment, though my mind was thinking back over the course of the last 13 years of what it had taken to get me there. It was a huge emotional experience....I walked out on the platform twice before the competition had even started to get the feeling of what it was going to be like and be on stage. I looked into the stands and found my parents and husband. There were two people I thought about when I looked up in the stands that I wish were there because they both played a huge part of the person that I am today, my coach and my sister. I know my coach was watching at home in Vermont cheering me on in front of his computer and my sister was there in spirit cheering me on as she has been since the day she passed away.
Once the competition was over I did 5 interviews...that was also an emotional challenge. I wanted to just leave and be in the moment and go over what had just happened in my head, but I had to keep my composure and talk about how I was feeling, which was difficult to do while fighting off tears. I was also icing my wrist because I had 'tweaked' it on a lift, so everyone was asking what was wrong with my wrist.
Please don't get me wrong, I am very proud to be US Olympian and be apart of this amazing event though I am a little disappointed in my overall performance. But as of right it is fueling my fire to give it another go for 4 years. Watch out London ! (My dad was born in England, and I think it would make him proud for me to compete in his home country !)
My parents, Jason and I left and took a 40 minute taxi ride and had dinner at the Bank of Americas China Lounge. We ended up having dinner with my team mate Natalie (who had just also competed and did very well!) and her family. From there we came back to my parents hotel with the anticipation of dropping off our stuff and then going to the silk market. Instead we were in bed by 9:15 all exhausted from the day.
Today I am going to bring Mom, Dad and Jason to the Olympic Village to see where I have been living for the past 2 weeks. We're also going to try to get to the great wall, and the Silk Market to do some cheap shopping !
I still have 4 more days in Beijing and plenty of things lined up. We have a team photo, meet and greet at the Adidas Olympic Store, and a press conference with Lenovo ! Stay tuned for more adventures from Beijing !
Photo my Jeff Franko
Hi Carissa!!!
We are very proud of you back in VT!! I know your mom.. and my son, Ethan, was two years behind you in school. It was very exciting for us to know a "hometown girl" was competing at the Olympics and representing us! What an experience that you will always remember. Save the "GOLD" for your dad's birthplace!! Keep up the hard work..and we look forward to seeing your next Olympic competition! You did great... and you should be proud!!
Mary... from Sandhill Rd, Essex Center, VT
I had to watch your entire competition online & it wasn't over until 12:30AM; but I knew I had to watch the whole thing. I know you're disappointed, but as you say -- you made it to the Olympic Games! WOW! The George family is SO proud of you. Can't wait to see you, Jason & your parents when you get back!
We love you,
Heather, David & Michelle
I don't care how you feel about it, you had my heart pounding out of my chest with pride with every attempt! You looked stronger than I've ever seen, just a bit off. That American Record Clean was soooo easy, you could've Cleaned another 7-10 Kgs.
I've gone back on watched the rewind:
Your lifts come up at the following times:
1st Snatch - 2:44
2nd Snatch - 2:47
3rd Snatch - 2:50
1st C&J - 3:58 and continues through to your 2nd C&J
3rd C&J - 4:09
Now relax and enjoy the local color. And beware of a drink that they toast with called something like "Mao Toy".
We're so proud of you, Carissa. It's great to hear that you'll continue to lift! Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Enjoy the rest of your stay in Beijing!
Hey Riss, I'm proud of you and happy that you did pretty well. I know you didn't get that last lift like you wanted but you did look good, you kept your composure pretty well!! Atleast now you have seen the other competition and you can set another goal to reach for when you go back to the Olympics in 2012!! Enjoy the rest of China and take lots of pics, I wish I could be there!
Hi Carissa,
I'm very proud of your perfomance... keep the spirit and i can assure you ... London!
From Nairobi, Kenya
Carissa - Yesterday Jason (Pol) was mowing (he is working for the town this summer) in the cemetery where your sister Jennifer is and he saw her gravesite for the first time. He said someone had left copies of all the articles about you & the Olympics at her grave. I thought that was really special and wondered who had done that? I was guessing Danielle. I will have to go see it for myself.
Hope you are enjoying the fun things now that the compeitition is over...
Dang she's strong
Like some of the other folks who commented on your blog, I don't know you personally but I wanted to say thanks for your efforts. It must be a great feeling to compete at that level and it is something delightful to get from your blog.
Take care and best wishes for the next four years of training and hard work. I will be thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you there in 2012 if all works out.
Hi Carissa,
Like some of the other folks commenting on your site, I do not know you personally. But, I wanted to let you know that I am impressed with your spirit and drive. It is delightful to see you make the most of the experience. You will be fun to watch in 2012.
Best wishes for a healthy road to the next olympics and for those days when you don't feel like it...
Take care,
Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself!
Congrats thanks for representing us for the world to see, this is turning out to be a pretty amazing olympics.
- T
Hi, just want to tell you that "you go girl!", even though you didn't set a new American record you should be proud that you made it to the Olympics! :)
I'm looking forward to you next competitions!
Isabelle Jakobsson Övertorneå, Sweden
Hi Carissa,
I don't know much about your sport, but it's good to know there are so many American women in Beijing competing in many sports.
I've watched just a few events (mostly swimming, since I was raised in Florida). However, my kids grew up in Ludlow, Vermont, near Mt. Okemo, when they lived with their father and stepmother.
Well, we're leaving for Breckenridge, Colorado tomorrow and I better pack.
Nice to meet you on your blog!
Peace, love and happiness,
(Our sign-off on the Florida TV show I co-hosted in 1957-58.)
Ellen Kimball
If you have a chance, visit me at:
Hi Carissa. We aren't usually weight-lifting fans, but we caught your performance the other day and were really impressed with your enthusiasm. Great job! You made a couple Americans living in Africa feel very patriotic.
God bless as you continue on your journey.
Great work, stay safe.
Having read through a bunch of your posts, I think you're amazing :)I hope you come over to London in 2012!
Congratulations, Carissa, on a great performance. USA! London, look out!
NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING to be ashamed of. Hell, you are an OLYMPIAN! 300 Million US Citizens, and you are one of 4-500 that are on the team!! Damned that is a great accomplishment.
All I ever expect of US, or ANY Olympic athlete to do is give their best effort and win or lose with class. Be greatful for the chance to compete on the greatest stage. Enjoy the sights and sounds of Beijing (the city) and the Olympics.
Thank you for sharing your experience and goodluck and Godspeed on the rest of your life's journey.
Hi Carissa, i found your blog by accident and it's brilliant. Congratulations on your achievements and I wish you all the very best for London. I may even find my way there to support you. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Beijing
you are great...
I am very proud of you...
Hi, Carissa. You don't know me, but I just had to visit. You made "Blogs of Note" today AND are an Olympian. I am so jealous! I didn't see your competition (media coverage sucks), but am proud of you nonetheless. You're one of how many Americans to actually make it to the Olympics!?! YOU GO GIRL!!!
very god!!!
muito bom seu blog, e este peso, você é muito forte.
Congratulations, Carissa!
It's phenomenal what you've accomplished!!
I've been following your blogs even though I know next to nothing about weightlifting. You're just a genuine soul; it comes through in your writing and it's a joy to read about your success, and about your own joy in just living life!
Here's to you in London in 2012!
Congratulations on your work! It is just amazing reading some of the Olympians' blogs. So inspiring and great to see what it is really like there.
Just want to say thanks for representing us and doing your best! Great job and best wishes!
Seattle, WA
oh how cool, an olympian who writes her own blog, isnt that cool?
Congrats on your accomplishments! I know that being in Beijing was an awesome experience and I would have loved to have been there! Keep up the amazing work and keep on lifting sister! Yall give me the inspiration to try harder and be better! God Bless!
Carissa - Congrats to you and going all the way to the Olympics! Quite an accomplishment, and we're all very proud of you and the great sportsmanship you show.
Mel Allen, Essex Jct, VT
Hi, Carissa,
I'm neither friend nor family, but I found your blog while browsing this evening. Congratulations! Competing in the Olympics is a feat few accomplish, and it looks like you had a great time and worked hard. Be proud, and know that people you don't even know are proud of you, too.
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