Well last week was a busy week of training. Overall I was happy with how things went but not satisfied !
So last week we finalized everything with Jason's airline ticket and visa paperwork for him to go to Beijing (this was probably one of my highlights of the week!). I also did 2 interviews for FOX Sports network, one is for a Denver based FOX network and the other for back home in Burlington, Vermont. The segment in Burlington should air tomorrow night. I will post a link on my blog so you can view the segment online.
Last week I ran into an old friend from the training center who is now the President for a non-profit called America for Gold, Inc. He said that when he was training he was lucky enough to have the financial support of the military but still found it hard to meet the financial demands needed to compete at a high level. Many of his teammates and friends around the training center struggled financially relying on parents, odd hour jobs that pay little, and credit cards. He said that it shouldn't have to be this way and believes if the American people were informed of the struggles of many of our Olympic athletes and hopefuls they would be willing to get behind and join the journey. So, America for Golds mission is to help underwrite the expenses of as many athletes training for an Olympic sport by providing funds for America's athletes. Their web site is not yet up and running but the address will be www.americaforgold.org. They are currently getting ready to start a national fund raising campaign where they will attempt to sign up 100k people to donate $8 a month for one year. Depending on how much money is raised will determine how they can give back to the athletes. I am going to start to do some volunteer work for them which I will keep you posted on and up to date once the web site gets up and going.
For training this next week we are on a recovery week which means things won't be so heavy and I won't have so many repetitions. My body is very happy this is a recovery week and I should be well rested for next weeks workouts. Time is ticking down, August 12th is right around the corner !
I am also very excited because this week I am going to be participating in my first USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) education presentation. Myself, and 2 USADA staff members, one being Nathalie Bartleson (1996 Olympic Gold Medalist in Synchronized Swimming) will be giving the presentation to the Junior National Mens Gymnastic team at the Olympic Training Center. Anti-Doping is something that I feel very strongly about and am glad to be apart of spreading the word and educating other athletes.
I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July weekend. Have a great week !
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